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lizzy w.

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1 Review by lizzy



I recently ordered some clothing from ROMWE (which is was already sceptical about) and when the clothing came two out the three items I ordered were perfect and exactly what they said they were on the website. However one item I ordered which was a yellow jumper was very poorly made and when I tried to return it I struggled with the websites advice and then in the end spoke to a woman from costumer service who told me that in order to return the items I had to pay money to have the items shipped and had to find my own courier. I thought this was ridiculous becuase I already wasn't going to get refunded for the shipping cost I had payed when ordering the item.

Tip for consumers:
Don't buy anything you don't really want

Thumbnail of user miaom
miao m. – ROMWE Rep

Hi lizzy,

Thank you for ordering from our website, we are so sorry for letting you down.
We have strict quality assurance before each product is packed and shipped, if the items came with defection or bad quality, please send us a few pictures of the item you received, we could provide a free return label to ship the item back. Or how about you keep this item and we refund half of cost to you for compensation directly?

Waiting for your reply!

lizzy Has Earned 2 Votes

Lizzy W.'s review of ROMWE earned 2 Very Helpful votes

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